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Brand & Print

Berwickshire Housing Association

Design and artwork for Myth Busting literature establishing a new style for promotional campaigns


Berwickshire Housing Association


Developing a design style for literature and promotion


Designer & Brand Consultant

Berwickshire Housing Association builds and manages homes to rent to suit a range of lifestyles, personal needs and family sizes that people can afford. They do so in communities throughout Berwickshire and they hold the interests of their tenants at the very centre of what they do.

I was asked to develop a design style that was in line with the key attributes of the BHA brand, keeping the approach simple, informative, eye catching and friendly in its approach with a view to rolling this out across a number of pieces of literature and promotional campaigns, both on and offline.

Myth Busting is, as the name suggests, an informative piece that aims to clarify a few of the myths surrounding social housing, tenants well being and the impact of building homes

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